Thursday, January 12, 2023

Nonfiction Spotlight: Mastering the Basics of Bitcoin and Crypto by Charlie Shrem & Mike Kimelman

Today, I have a business nonfiction book to share!  Check out Mastering the Basics of Bitcoin and Crypto:  Go From Crypto Curious to Crypto Competent in Just One Book, read an excerpt from the book and learn about authors Charlie Shrem and Michael Kimelman!



Nonfiction / Business

Date Published: June 19, 2022


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about the book


Whether you are brand spanking new to bitcoin and crypto or already understand the basics and want to expand your knowledge, this is the book for you! “Mastering the Basics” is a one-stop guide to help you immediately go from “crypto curious” to “crypto competent.”

We know how confusing bitcoin and crypto looks to the uninitiated. The potential is massive and world-changing, but it's intimidating and you don't know where to start.

That’s why we wrote this step-by-step guide in simple, plain-English terms that anyone can grasp. After completing this book, you will have a comprehensive working knowledge of the concepts and technologies that make digital assets possible.

We’ll take away the mystery and empower you with the knowledge and ability to understand bitcoin and profitably buy, sell, secure, and trade cryptos with ease.

This is incredibly valuable knowledge taught by two of the most respected experts in the space with over a decade long track record of success. With one book you can equip yourself with the expertise that only a tiny fraction of people alive today possess.

There’s no time like the present to get started and get savvy about the greatest opportunity in history for financial success and personal freedom. It starts here. It starts today. What are you waiting for?


buy the book



 read an excerpt 


Once you read this entire book, you will have a working knowledge of the concepts and technologies
that make cryptocurrency possible. You will have the confidence to converse with even the savviest
crypto enthusiast and have an engaging, insightful discussion.

Completing this book will empower you with the knowledge and ability to buy, sell, and trade
cryptocurrencies with ease and make lots of money in an independent and decentralized way.

What you learn here will equip you with expertise that only a tiny fraction of people alive today possess. We are excited and honored that you have chosen us to lead you on this journey, to elevate your crypto expertise to the ultimate level. We endeavor to reward your trust in us with the knowledge, presented in an engaging and informative way, that can change your life and the lives of your children and grandchildren.

We want to help you take advantage of what is potentially the greatest financial opportunity of our age,
an opportunity to make quantum leaps forward by becoming an intelligent and savvy investor in the
cryptocurrency space.

Through this book, we aim to help you achieve your financial goals. We will do that by showing you how to take advantage of investment opportunities that grow out of a globally disruptive technology like cryptocurrency, opportunities so significant that they will ultimately dwarf the internet boom of the

If you are bold enough to dream this big, we are here to help you take the first steps toward
generational wealth on par with that of America’s wealthiest families, who got their start during the
Westward expansion. The cryptocurrency revolution is the “Westward expansion” fit for the digital age.

As you progress through this course, you will begin to understand the magnitude of this moment in
history. Some of you will wonder, “Am I too late?” But that uncertainty will disappear as you learn the
fundamentals of cryptocurrency and realize we are still in the early days of this technology.


about the authors

Charlie Shrem

Michael Kimelman

RABT Book Tours & PR

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